Sunday, 7 August 2011

Old friend

At first, it was the queasy fatigue of early pregnancy that stood between me and my then new but cherished friend. After that had passed, it was the frenzy of decluttering and organising that consumed much of my spare time. Finally, last month, when I placed my drop spindle and fibre on the new shelves we had bought to keep precious things precious, I felt a pang of longing and regret. I lifted her down from the shelf, examined her...and realised that in my condition there was no way that we could attempt to (learn to) do productive work together. I couldn't see my own feet, let alone a spindle. She would have to wait a little longer.

Today, she came down from the shelf and (literally) out into the sunshine. I repaired her – within two minutes of her arrival in this house, she was dropped from a fair height onto a tiled hearth. Now with a little TLC and Bostik, she is all patched up, though she still sports a fancy holographic bandage for show. We spent half an hour out in the garden, and celebrated our reunion with a length of purple roving whilst The Boys and The Girl played nicely inside.

This, from the fourth pack of roving I have attempted to spin, is the most even, finest thread I have produced so far; and for a 7 month absence from spinning and a slightly blustery day, its quite an achievement - I might actually produce a usable yarn!. I am still as enamoured with the spinning thing as when, for no good reason, it first captured my imagination. Completely smitten, still.


  1. Gorgeous colour. Nice to be able to see your toes again, isn't it! Hope the baby is doing well...

  2. As dixiebelle said, lovely colour - and it look really even too, good work!

    I haven't done any spinning for a while because last time I did it I think I got a bit overeager and was left with a bruised palm for about a week afterwards! You've inspired me to at least spin a little bit now though - time to find my own drop spindle and pretty roving :)

  3. Thank you - I bought a kit and didn't get a choice on colours, so used (ruined!) my least favourite first and have worked up to my favourites as I got better! One pack to go and I hope to be an expert...
